MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

B. Active and Withdrawn Columns in ET Spreadsheet b. Enrollments at MCC are pulled after no shows are processed. Columns in ET (courses area) don’t match up to reflect actual enrollments in regards to withdrawals and no shows. MCC proposes a change on the spreadsheet that shows the active and withdrawn enrollments so actual enrollment calculations can be made. c. Download option preferred by group. Christa Wilhite made the motion to accept the change in the Courses Excel download and Keri Cole seconded. Motion passed. Technical Specialist for eLearning 1. Admin Committee drafted job description for position (see Appendix B) 2. Employee will help coordinate implementations and roll outs. Position was approved when budget for next fiscal year was approved. 3. MELA needed to approve the description. Keri Cole made the motion to accept the job description and carry it back to the presidents. Jennifer James seconded. Motion/vote carries. 4. Changes will be made to tense and wording (“Develop program code and analyze” will become “Develop and analyze program code.”) 5. Jennifer Leimer requested email regarding the position to be sent to group to be forwarded to chain of command. 6. Group needs to have the description to their presidents by October 4 th . 7. Audra Kimble will pass description on to Dr. Nettles. 2. Other colleges (MGCCC and Hinds, predominantly) stated concerns with financial aid had to be resolved. No limitations in place with financial aid or registrar on dropping a 15 week course for an 8 week course. Hinds had issues with refund policies because of their multiple refund process. 3. MCC asked about classes for term two opening during spring break. Other colleges do not honor holidays. B. Melody Pennington leaving MCC. C. Residential Students and Online Classes 1. ECCC and Holmes will allow residential students to take online classes full time. 2. 6 hours on campus required for student athletes (consortium policy). Open Forum A. Mini Terms 1. Coahoma questioned how the other colleges began implementing mini terms.




Important Dates

A. Next Meeting: October 20 th via ZOOM


Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 11:48am.


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