MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
6. CFTTC March 2-4. Two participants per college paid for by MCCB. Pay by purchase order with code MSVCC2016. No agenda public for conference at this time. 7. SARA Audra has asked Ms. Dykes from upstairs to join us and update on SARA (IHL). Budgeted for MSVCC to cover all SARA fees (MS and National fees). Still waiting for finance to decide how to do that. Process is voluntary, but it’s important that everyone do it since we share resources, and it will be paid for. Deadline of Feb. 29th if we want board to take action in March (stay on same time schedule as a group). Applications received after Feb. will not be reviewed until May. MCCA sent a letter to presidents with list of authorized colleges and universities….sent June 22nd. Form LOCINV was sent with that letter. Asking for a copy of that letter with application packet. Audra forwarding email to us with info. Institutions will have to send in an enrollment report….to see out of state students. If we have questions, email Audra or Menia Dykes ( (cc Audra always). Georgia and Arkansas are in! Menia Update – Write on application that payment will be submitted from central office. Applications receive on or before 29th of February will be handled in March. Any others will be handled in May. We will receive notifications regarding renewal in the future. SARA will not affect fees assessed by institution for out of state students. Payment will be made by the system, but updates will be sent out after decisions are made how to handle it. We will have to report back to SARA on our distant students (state, territory, broad program of study, etc). Links and info usually sent to President or CAO, along with whoever contact included in packet. ELC’s would like to be in loop. 8. Academy Update 45 courses and webinars. 401 participants. Adding new courses and webinars. Some colleges incorporating academy in to professional development. If a college wants to be taken off the email list, let Brooke know. Will update on a semester basis. (Jennifer L. (MGCCC) suggested a SmarterProctoring workshop for BVirtual and SP) 9. Dual Credit/Enrollment Task force being put together to look at the process a little more. Colleges are losing money on dual enrollment. Graduation requirements may change for high schools. Endorsements would be listed, but dual enrollment will be required.
IV. Action Items President Elect Nominations (Kimberly Harris and Kimberly Ellis)
Kim Harris new president elect.
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