MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

vii. Buffy highly recommended the conference. The sessions were great, the rooms were fairly small with great views, good interaction, good learning, etc. Very beneficial for those who enjoy instructional design, Deans, and Directors. One of the best conferences they have ever attended. viii. Krista recommended staying at the Madison DoubleTree Hotel. The hotel was nice and provided warm cookies, free bottled water, etc. ix. Note, when you pay for the certificate program, it includes the conference fee. b. InstructureCon 2016 – (Presented September 20 th ; see page 9) i. Attended: Chris Ryals and Sabine Zabarovska c. Teaching Professor Conference i. Attended: Nancy Parkerson and Tish Stewart ii. Located in Washington, DC. Hosted by MAGNA Publications. iii. The conference was inside of the Renaissance Hotel, which is where they stayed. iv. Pros: great location, whole conference in one building, rooms large, time between sessions, great meals, good handouts, etc. v. Cons: Most sessions were about F-2-F, not a lot of administrators, no snacks/drinks during breaks, not much swag or vendors. vi. Sessions of Interest: 1. “Disney Your Course” – never settle for anything other than your best, never bored, no wasted time, change things up, be different. i. We need go through and look at roles, and clean them up. Jennifer James and the Support Committee have been looking at this, and will ask you for suggestions. ii. Ideas to think about: 1. Registrar roles do not have access to Grades, and possibly should. 2. Is a Textbook Manager Role needed? i. Chris thanked the group for being specific with our tickets. ii. MGCCC had trouble with the Student Last Name field in the ET. As a result of their ticket, we can now enter up to 25 characters and symbols in the Last Name field. iii. Global Announcements (seeing other colleges) are now fixed. iv. Updated Respondus Password – updated on the Squarespace site. v. Enrollment Tool Manual for ELCs is being developed in iBooks. Chris hopes to develop one for Faculty as well. Videos and links to glossary. It will be released to the group for review in October. 1. Keri mentioned that we may be able to put this document into VitalSource so that it maintains the interactivity. 2. Chris will have the document available in multiple formats (Kindle, PDF, etc.) b. ET Updates 2. “The Syllabus Makeover” – student’s perspective and get creative! 3. “Crafty Faculty Development Workshops” – experience being a student again, integrate learning experiences into teaching practices. 4. “Encouraging the Heart of the Teacher” – what motivates great teaching. a. ET Role Suggestions

e) Chris Ryals


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