MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

f) Tish Stewart (Buffy Matthews from the Admin Committee filled in for Tish) a. Policy & Procedure Manual Changes

i. Find/Replace: Anywhere where “eLearning Director/Dean” was typed, it was replaced with “Chief eLearning Officer” since there is only one Officer representative per school in our MELA Group This wording was voted upon two summers ago at the ICC Retreat. ii. Old wording from Blackboard will be updated to reflect Canvas (i.e. MD-5 Hashing Technology, etc.) iii. Cost of Textbook Shipping – recommendation to change the wording to a general statement. This will allow the Bookstore Manager to make the decisions regarding book shipments. iv. Films on Demand – added to the Learning Resources section. v. Unfinished Business was added to “Article VI: Order of Business”. This was already voted upon. vi. Instead of listing actual committee member’s names in the P&P Manual, the recommendation is to list the names of the committees and what they are responsible for. vii. Syllabus template was previously removed, and should be added back to the Appendix. This syllabus is also accessible through the MELA Course. 1. The group VOTED to add the above changes. Keri Cole made a motion, and Vanessa Murphy seconded. All in favor, no discussion. b. Calendar i. State Board made some changes -- the Final Exam week can be counted as class meeting minutes. Because of this, MGCCC is trying to move their start date for traditional courses later (to match universities, to better suit students, offices, etc.) ii. Colleges should talk with their Chief Academic Officers about Calendars and start dates for FA2018 and beyond. Colleges should see if their calendar will be in line with the MSVCC Draft Calendar. MGCCC is finding that their college calendar doesn’t align with the MSVCC Draft Calendar, and would cause online courses to start before traditional courses. The MELA group will see what the majority of colleges look like, and make changes accordingly at the October meeting. iii. 1-year Calendars should be presented each January to the Presidents. Our 2- year calendar has already been approved, but we can resubmit it if needed. 1. Keri Cole stated that the Admin Committee’s Comprehensive Calendar for 2017-18 is fine, we will hold on 2018-19 until we vote in November.


Unfinished Business a. ET Roles – Jennifer James (Not Present – on hold) b. Proctoring Policies – Jennifer James (Not Present – on hold)


Action Items a. MELA Meetings – Buffy Matthews, representing the Admin Committee

i. Admin Committee recommended that we have set dates for MELA Meetings. ii. Recommendation – host the MELA meeting on the 2 nd Wednesday of every month. 1. VOTE on the above recommendation: Motion from the Admin Committee. Emily Thomas seconded. All in favor, no discussion.


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