MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

iii. Next meeting at Holmes Community College, Workforce Building -- October 12 th at 10 am. b. Strategic Planning Meetings – Buffy Matthews, representing the Admin Committee i. Recommendation – host Strategic Planning Meetings during the Enrollment Tool Update Meetings twice a year (October and April). Committee groups would still meet individually, at different times of the year, but this would be a set date and time where we would have time devoted to the Strategic Plan. ii. The Retreat did not allow time for the Strategic Plan because time is needed for vendors because they provide so much for us. Also, not everyone came to the Retreat – so, we need a devoted time just for Strategic Plan. 1. VOTE: Motion from Admin Committee, Michele Mitchell seconded. All in favor, no discussion. c. Real-Time Learning Pilot – Phyllis Johnson i. NEMCC, EMCC, and MGCCC are participating in the Real-Time Learning Pilot. This pilot is only for career/technical courses. The pilot requires 1 day a week to use BB Collaborate. If the student cannot meet online at that time, the instructor will record themselves. ii. Phyllis asked the group for permission to run the courses through the ET. 1. The group had many concerns and stressed that we want to all data from this pilot to be presented to our MELA group, before being presented elsewhere. 2. Many expressed that any pilot that goes through the MSVCC should be approved by our group and the Presidents, in which this pilot was not. Our MELA group was not in the discussion from the start, and saw many flaws in this “synchronous” real-time pilot. Many thought that these courses were no different from what we already offer, because of the recorded component (which most online courses already provide). iii. Vote: Phyllis Johnson made a motion to run real-time pilots through the ET. The motion did not pass. The piloted courses will not be included in the MSVCC Enrollment Tool. i. The Canvas Username is not at the top-level in the new Canvas UI. There is a CSS/Java Script file that Kim Harris will send to the group that makes the student’s username at the top level. Chris Ryals will help any college that needs help uploading the script into Canvas. This will benefit our Proctor Centers greatly! ii. Kim Harris will send out a survey with tentative dates for the Retreat next year. Please be sure to fill out the survey and plan to be at the Retreat. Active participation is needed by each college. b. SACS Follow-Up – Keri Cole i. Hinds recently had an on-site visit. Hinds had several interviews with SACS, and they are very interested in distance learning. 1. SACS asked a lot about the Memorandum of Agreement a. Keri recommends that you have a copy when SACS visits. 2. SACS wanted to know the connection of the P&P and how we operate, and the Memorandum of Agreement, and they wanted proof. a. When we make updates to the P&P, the President’s must sign their approval. We need a copy to show that proof.


Open Forum a. Account/Name Script in Canvas – Kim Harris


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