MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017



September 20, 2016 Notes:

1. “Show Me The Money” presented by Deborah Gilbert, Deputy Executive Director for Finance and Administration at MCCB . a. Deborah Gilbert passed around a PowerPoint handout with her presentation – refer to it for full details. Notes below: b. Assessed fees and money received from the Support Appropriation Bill benefit the MSVCC and the Institution. c. Presentation included the Funding Formula for FY2017 i. Prior year funding formula amount is multiplied by 15% for this year’s base amount. ii. In the funding formula Academic, Technical, and Career have weighted enrollments of 1. MSVCC Host (.5) and MSVCC Provider (.5). The sum of weight is then divided into the amount available to determine the FTE $ per student. iii. It takes 30 Semester Credit Hours to equal 1 FTE. iv. The student must be actually enrolled and in attendance on the last day of the 6 th week of each semester, and reside within the State of Mississippi to qualify for the FTE. A.D. Nursing is the only exception. d. MSVCC Provider – Institution supplies INSTRUCTION e. MSVCC Host – institution supplies STUDENT (Charges tuition and transcripts courses) f. Tuition follows the student g. If student is Full-time (more than 12 hours), the host/provider section of the formula funding does not apply. See page 11, Funding Scenario II as an example. h. In January 2000 the MSVCC began with an enrollment of 1,382. Fall of 2015, was 28,302! a. There is now a Mississippi eLearning Trainers course (MELT Group) b. Evaluation Links, Trainer Resources, Application, Trainer Tools, etc. are included under the Modules area. c. The Application will be used to determine a fill-in trainer if someone is sick. The professional headshot will be used for Canvas Catalog, which will be a great resource for us to use in having participants to sign up. d. Academy will be offering two new webinars -- Enrollment Tool training with Jennifer Leimer and Interactive Handouts with Marie Roberts. e. MILD Grant Conference & Travel Report will be added to the MELA Course. Update this spreadsheet after you attend a conference. f. FY16 Professional Development Funding Follow-Up will be added to the MELA group – those colleges who used the $2,000 Professional Development money, should fill out the form. E- mail receipt from conference to Brooke. 2. Academy Updates , Brooke Doggett

3. InstructureCon 2016 Update

a. Attended: Sabine Zabarovska & Chris Ryals b. Keystone, Colorado – very high elevation (approx. 11,000 above sea level – many got sick because of the high elevation, so keep that in mind if you travel next year) c. Go to CanvasLMS YouTube channel to watch videos from the conference.


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