MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

d) SmarterServices Update i.

April 1 contract went into effect.

ii. Usage on BVirtual went up, so we received a 5% discount. $160,000 annually. We renewed for 3 years. iii. Leslie Grill is our primary point of contact. Krista will put a list of all of our contacts in the MELA course for reference.

e) SARA Update i.

Krista needs all invoices by April 21. This is very important for payment to be sent in a timely manner. Check the email from Krista, for more information.


Canvas Renewal Update i.

Canvas Catalog – MCCB pays $33,000 for two years of Canvas Catalog use. Canvas is offering our consortium a discounted rate of $1,500 per school, annually (total of $24,000 annually for every school and the MCCB to use the Catalog subscription). Implementation for each school is $7,000 per school (one-time fee). $119,000 if all schools go forward. This can be used for professional development, continuing education, ABE/GDE, etc. Schools can collect payment through the portal. The Catalog will allow schools to pull in courses/webinars offered by the MSVCC Academy Catalog as well. ii. ARC Subscription is $105,000 annually (based on our current FTE). Implementation cost is $40,000. This included a 30% discount, based on a 5- year contract. ARC is a way to import videos into courses, with quizzing and chatting within the video platform blueprint. 1. Laura Sellers can give an ARC demonstration in our next monthly Canvas meeting. If interested, let Krista know. 2. Buffy Matthews recommended waiting on ARC until the blueprint is completely developed. The group was in agreement. We will look again at this contract next Spring 2018. iii. Christian Pruett previously negotiated our Canvas contract at 70,000 FTEs; 5- year contract with a 5% increase annually. This was more FTEs that what we had, so we overpaid. 1. Krista has negotiated the Canvas contract, to get us to a better price. New contract will lock us into a contract based on 64,000 FTEs. $11.74

per FTE, with a 3% increase annually. This would save us nearly 1 million dollars. The new contract with Canvas is approximately $5 million, without ARC and Catalog. This is still a ~$5 million decrease from what we paid with Blackboard.

iv. We need to have a vote in May, on the Canvas contract. The Canvas contract ends June 30, 2018. v. Krista will present what she is submitting for the MSVCC budget at the May meeting so we can make a decisions regarding purchasing.

g) MELO Update i.

Based on usage reports, and MELA’s recommendation to go with Option 3 (removal of NBC Learn and Opposing Viewpoints), the President’s voted to go with Option 3 as well.


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