MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

1. On April 21, this purchase recommendation will go before the MCCB Board, and the contract will be created. Librarians will be notified by Buffy Matthews about the services that will be removed.

ii. Schools should tell their instructors that we will lose NBC Learn and Opposing Viewpoints on June 30.

1. If there is a video that instructors use, they can usually find it in Films on Demand or YouTube. 2. If faculty or librarians need additional training, please notify Brooke Doggett.

h) Linksystems i.

Chris Bergeron is our new contact and will be reaching out to all of the schools. She is requesting 10-15 minutes each month to discuss usage reports, updates, etc.

MSVCC Academy -- Brooke Doggett:

a) Academy and Catalog Updates i.

Academy enrollment from last March 2016, was 10 participants total. This year, with Catalog and Mail Chimp marketing – one webinar alone had 25 participants. The influx in enrollment is immeasurable. The Canvas Catalog is helping the Academy’s participation, and Brooke highly recommends each college use it for their own local professional development or other needs. Brooke sent out an infographic of the QM Initiative plan. The marketing and professional development budget will allow for us to purchase QM for our consortium subscription. QM faculty and staff would have access to all resources and workbooks. The QM Coordinator will receive training. ii. $23,000 is available in the budget for this fiscal year to purchase the QM Subscription. This would replace the OLC Contract that we recently did not renew. This will only help schools’ local budgets, who already use QM. i. Phyllis Johnson stated that if 20% of your course changes, you have to have a QM renewal. If nothing changes, it lasts 5 years. The textbook doesn’t matter, as long as objectives stay the same. ii. The course shell, not the instructor, is assessed by the QM rubric. iii. VOTE: The Quality Committee made a motion to adopt Quality Matters at the consortium level. There was much discussion, and no second. Schools should go back and discuss this with their colleges, and be prepared to vote in May after looking after the MSVCC budget.

b) Quality Matters i.

MCCB -- Chris Ryals:

a) MILD Grant Reminder i.

MILD Grant is due April 21 (extended one week).


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