MELA Minutes 2020-2021

contract is signed. Shooting for next week but waiting on contract being signed. Aspiredu will conduct training. Amanda Hood requested info on how schools who had already paid will be refunded. Chris Munzo will audit this once the contract is signed, they will refund. 4 institutions have a contract already. V. Unfinished Business A. Election of Secretary (*vote needed) Tish Stewart nominates Kim Steinman from NWCC. I. Motion: Tish Stewart-Holmes CC II. Second: Kim Harris-NEMCC III. Approval Passed- 100% VI. New Business A. Survey of Retreat Dates Waiting on travel restrictions being lifted. Amanda is going to plan on face to face retreat. May or Summer Survey coming from Amanda Hood. B. Committee Goals and Meeting Dates: Admin Committee Goals: Updates to P and P? Tish says we need to backtrack to last meeting. Need a copy for schools going through 5 year SACSCOC review. Instructional Technology committee. Nothing except proctoring software/service Instructional Quality: January they will meet. Updates for P and P. Suggested rubrics. Training sessions will be added. IOY: will we still do this and provide a stipend. Krista is working on this contract. We will have it. IOY Jennifer Hill will get her check next week Rethink the IOY process and how the funding is allocated. Creating Futures Conference will not take place year. The IOY funding is available. MSVCC dates: Approved through Summer 2022. In June, the Academic officers push through overall calendar. VII. Open Forum A. Record Keeping/Communication Channels – Google docs shared with the group. Tish and Krista suggest we need to have an annual or biannual process for updating contact lists, update listserv, etc. Christa Wilhite can organize this process. B. Election Process: Discussion about college being up for election, not a person. Rotation of all colleges. MILD grant extra cost of $6000 added if you are responsible for retreat that year. Kelley Gonzales has concerns over a new person taking over. Volunteer basis is good. Amanda Hood sees pros and cons of both. MCCB could take over secretary. Katherine suggested Secretary, then President Elect, then President. Before next meeting, get wording together. Krista LeBrun will get Presidents’ association wording.

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