MELA Minutes 2020-2021
C. HonorLock/Apple: New operating system released by APPLE MacOS 11.0 Big Sur November 12 th launch date. Honorlock compatible with this release. D. Michelle Mitchell was working on feedback regarding Honorlock issues. Tish asked for this. Tish: Holmes paid for SP automated proctoring. $4 a test. Can apply SP automated proctoring by course and by student. Tish will update us on 3 rd party exams in SP Automated. Michelle says report the issues to HL and they will fix it. Virtual and AI Proctor Service Comparison spreadsheet will be available for reporting issues. VIII. Future Meetings: Cancel December Meeting
I Motion: Amanda Hood-Co-Lin CC II Second: Buffy Matthews-MGCCC III Approval Passed-100% January 13, 2021 next meeting
IX. Adjournment: 10:01 am
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