MELA Minutes 2020-2021

9. Jennifer Leimer asked if Krista could provide some ideas of alternative methods for ensuring quality courses that align with QM but may not be as work intensive as QM. 10. Krista stated she would have Christa Wilhite do some research to see what other quality programs are doing. 11. Jennifer James made the motion to table this until next meeting once Krista Lebrun could provide us some more data on this. Motion was seconded by __________. (it was never mentioned who seconded this motion in the chat). Motion carried by voting members. E. MACC Meeting Business 1. Krista moved ahead to virtual proctoring. F. Virtual Proctoring 1. Virtual Proctoring Memo a. Krista spoke in front of the presidents last week. b. 13 of the 15 colleges have entered into a contract with HonorLock for Fall 2020. c. Dr. Graham stated that CARES money can only be used through December. The service cannot go past December 31, 2020. d. Denise made a motion to use MSVCC funds instead of CARES money for

a consortium wide contract starting in January 2021. Jennifer Leimer seconded this motion. Motion was approved by voting members. e. Krista stated she would inform the presidents of this groups decision to move forward with using MSVCC funds for a consortium wide contract starting in January 2021. f. Krista did mention that we were under a tight time line to get this accomplished, have a contract in place and signed; especially if we had to enter into an RFP. 1. They are willing to accept us back at our previous contract agreement. The cost is $3.50 per student for Dropout Detective and $2.10 per student for Instructor Insight. In the past, it was only for MSVCC online students but we would want to look at the new contract possibly covering the whole student body due to so many colleges/courses now using more flexible modalities for instruction. 2. Krista provided an AspirEDU savings comparison chart that was displayed on the screen. 3. Denise stated that chart implies that all colleges were paying for this when in fact only 4 colleges use it and pay for it themselves. 4. Amanda Hood asked if there was a motion to pursue a contract

G. AspirEDU/DIG Dig is no longer being pursued by Canvas. a. AspirEDU:

with them again or not. Tish commented that since only 4 colleges use this right now, that is not a majority. However,

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