MELA Minutes 2023-2024

b. MCCB has been using Canvas since 2011, likely with a much higher volume of courses to archive. 7. Future Steps and Considerations: a. Consortium Call: i. Dr. Wilhite reached out to Kaylee to connect

with Colin College for a consortium call. ii. Aim to have Colin College share their experience and answer questions before any vendor demos.

8. Policy Development: a. Institutions are encouraged to develop policies for content storage and archiving.

b. Policies help manage liability and ensure compliance with accessibility regulations.

9. Archiving Process: a. Instructure’s solution allows institutions to select and manage archived content. b. Archived content can be accessed and restored as needed. f. ACT WorkKeys Integration 1. Smart Content Integration: a. The Adult Education (Ed) team has merged smart content with college and career readiness. b. This content is requested to be made available to local adult instructors and teams at institutions. c. Dr. Wilhite proposed handling the integration in the adult sub-account created for this purpose. d. Members were asked if they approve of Dr. Wilhite managing this on the backend to streamline the process. e. No objections were raised; members agreed to this approach. 2. ACT Workkeys Integration for Adult Education: a. ACT Workkeys is being funded by Accelerate for the upcoming year and is now available as a Canvas integration. b. Adult education instructors are expected to reach out regarding access to Workkeys. c. Dr. Wilhite offered to handle the Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) installations to facilitate a seamless process. d. She highlighted that the access is only for adult Ed students and not for other college and career readiness programs. 3. Workkeys Access Workflow:

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