MELA Minutes 2020-2021
b. Strategic Plan Updates (Committee Chairs):
Admin Committee: Denise Gillespie reported for the committee. The committee had a very general discussion about staying with the four goals of the Strategic Plan but limiting the outcome and/or objectives to one item. They discussed possibilities for those outcomes and feel they are in a good position to begin more detailed discussions when the full committee can get together. Instructional Quality Committee: Phyllis Johnson reported for the committee. The committee discussed all four goals listed in the Strategic Plan. Q1 – Develop recommended standards for quality online education. This is an ongoing outcome. The committee has already set a standard guide that is already in the P&P Manual. Q2 – Implement procedures for improvement based on recommended standards for quality online education. The committee has set some core course evaluation standards under appendix F in the P&P Manual. Q3 – Encourage faculty members to develop and maintain high quality, standards-based online learning environments. There are four training courses set up for instructors. They can take all four or any one that fits their needs. This will help the instructor get their course ready to go through a state evaluation process. The committee discussed the instructors who earn these quality credentials after the evaluation process be rewarded with an MSVCC seal for their course and recognized by the presidents or in a newsletter. Q4 – Provide relevant and current trainings through the MSVCC Academy for faculty and administrators. This goal was combined with Q3. The committee took out all reference to Quality Matters and used the new term Quality Standards. Instructional Technology Committee: Dr. Kelley Gonzales reported for the committee. The committee discussed new initiatives for the Strategic Plan. The initiatives are academic integrity , accessibility , community and quality . It was discussed the need to coming into the 21 st century and moving fully online. Much of the discussion focused around if taking an online course, the student should also be able to take an online exam without having to physically go to a proctoring center. This also speaks to academic integrity. The system chosen would need to be very robust and limit the student’s ability to cheat on exams. Hinds CC has purchased Zoom Live, which offers transcription and the committee would like to look into this software. Class for Zoom is also a software the committee would like to investigate further. It is known that some instructors are already using Zoom as a way to proctor their students. There was also a discussion on accessibility and the need to make sure all colleges are 508 compliant and offer accommodations. As for the
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